Last week the most jovial (and incredibly knowledgeable) Jim Murray took time out of his schedule for an extended interview with GFR.
It’s certainly not every day that one gets to sit down for a chat with the world’s foremost whisky expert, and author of The Whisky Bible, Jim Murray; his influence upon the now-global whisky/whiskey industry over the past few decades has been simply staggering.
Although we both swore blind that we had met one another at some point previously, neither of us could remember exactly where and when. Nevertheless, we had plenty to talk about, as the second part of this extended GFR interview attests to.
If you are having trouble viewing this video please click here.
And you can find part one here.
Edinburgh-born/Toronto-based Sommelier, consultant, writer, judge, and educator Jamie Drummond is the Director of Programs/Editor of Good Food Revolution… And Jim was such a lovely fellow.