In Part 1 of a two part interview, Toronto Chef/Restaurateur Donna Dooher tells us about her start in the industry and how she got to where she is today.
In the tenth of our burgeoning Old Hands series we probe the memories and minds of some of the founding fathers/mothers and original influencers of Toronto’s restaurant scene.
In today’s piece we present the first segment of our in-depth interview with the living legend that is Chef Donna Dooher of Mildred’s Temple Kitchen, which is all rather timely seeing as “Mildred” turns 30 tomorrow, Saturday, and has just had a facelift.
Donna speaks about the surprises in store for Mildred’s 30th towards the end of this segment…
If you are having trouble viewing this video please click here.
Edinburgh-born/Toronto-based Sommelier, consultant, writer, judge, and educator Jamie Drummond is the Director of Programs/Editor of Good Food Revolution… And although that took a while, he’s so happy with both parts of this interview.