David Lunderquist, Chef Tommy Ranti, and Chef Gustav Travgaardh explain what Nordic cuisine means to them.
What with Nordic cuisine still getting so much foodster love the world over (just look at this year’s Terroir programming), Good Food Revolution jumped at the opportunity to sit down with Chefs Tommy Ranti from the Culinary Institute of Norway and Gustav Travgaardh of Gothenburg’s Sjomagazinet restaurant, who were in town as part of the other week’s multifaceted (architecture, cuisine, design and fashion) Cool Nordic exposition.
With some good-natured and diplomatic encouragement from the Swedish Embassy’s David Lunderquist, we set out to discover what they were doing in Toronto, just what makes Nordic cuisine so unique, and why so many foodsters get such enormous gastronomic boners at the mere mention of anything Nordic.
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Edinburgh-born/Toronto-based Sommelier, consultant, writer, judge, and educator Jamie Drummond is the Director of Programs/Editor of Good Food Revolution… And those chefs sure do look serious in that video still.