In this week’s In The Kitchen segment Mark Cutrara shows us how to make Testina
We are always happy to spend time in the kitchen with Chef Mark Cutrara, but this week we were especially thrilled to be able to film him as he prepares Testina (AKA rolled pig face) at Toronto’s Hawthorne Restaurant for our ongoing In The Kitchen With series.
As some may find the preparation a little visceral I have decided to label this particular episode as NSWV… Not Suitable For Vegetarians.
If you are having trouble viewing this video please click here.
Edinburgh-born/Toronto-based Sommelier, consultant, writer, judge, and educator Jamie Drummond is the Director of Programs/Editor of Good Food Revolution… And he decided to put up the warning NSFV after a little market research.
Interesting interview, at least the parts that were not obscured by the ‘music’.
Rick, I’m sorry you were unable to hear parts of the piece.
You are actually the first person who has mentioned having difficulties in this area on this particular video.
Also, I’ll be sure to use some mediocre jazz or crusty classic rock for future video endeavours*