By Jamie Drummond

Winemaker Fred Howard and his gigantic mushroom.
Way back on Easter Sunday of this year (when I was about 20 lbs heavier and wearing trousers that were way too tight) I spent the day with McLaren Vale Winemaker Fred Howard of DogRidge Winery, a smashing fellow that I have raised many a glass with over the years.
In retrospect it appears that I was quite taken aback by the beautiful scenery (or perhaps all of the wine) as I don’t actually say very much, and Fred does most of the talking…
If you are having trouble viewing this video please click here.
Edinburgh-born/Toronto-based Sommelier, consultant, writer, judge, and educator Jamie Drummond is the Director of Programs/Editor of Good Food Revolution… and he always enjoys his time with Fred.
AND what a night it was here in sleepy McLaren Flat. BTW, we call’em violins here.
Summer exploded into our world yesterday and on cue the greens of the grasses have browned. So we plan for our annual brown x-mas sessions. Here’s to your tight brown pantaloons and our not-so-tight but definitely brown x-mas.
We’d love to see you again soon with the same said and mentioned tight(ish) wardrobe MrD.
Cheers mate!