Author: Jamie Drummond

Jamie Drummond on Food and Wine #46 Olivier Humbrecht (Zind-Humbrecht)

A few months ago Alsatian Winemaker Olivier Humbrecht of Zind-Humbrecht was in town to present a range of his wines to a select group of Sommeliers at Toronto’s Splendido restaurant. Before this delicious luncheon Olivier sat down with Good Food Revolution for what was originally going to be a short chat. This chat ended up lasting a little longer than first anticipated, running almost 35 minutes! In keeping with the respect we have for Olivier and his wines we have chosen to present this interview in its full uncut glory.

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Jamie Drummond on Food and Wine #45 Arron Barberian (Barberian’s)

This week’s videocast comes live and direct from the splendid cellar of Toronto’s Barberian’s Steak House and Tavern. After some persuasion we somehow managed to convince the illustrious restaurateur Arron Barberian to sit down with us for a chat about his storied establishment and his personal philosophies concerning meat and, of course, steak. Never one to pull his punches, the ever-articulate and most entertaining Mr. Barberian tells us exactly how he sees things… and then some.

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A Video Report On The 2010 Ontario Vintage

This week we grab four Winemakers from all over Ontario and get an up-to-the-moment report on Ontario’s 2010 grape harvest. Will it live up to this unprecedented hype? We ask Donald Ziraldo (Ziraldo Wines), Sue-Ann Staff (Staff Wines/Megalomaniac), J. L. Groux (Stratus), and Caroline Granger (Grange of Prince Edward County) for their take on what promises to be the best vintage ever for Ontario wines… EXCITING!!!

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Jamie Drummond on Food and Wine #44 Ruud Maasdam (Staete Landt) – The Toronto Redux

So this is actually a bit of a repeat performance for Winemaker Ruud Maasdam (of Staete Landt, New Zealand) here on Good Food Revolution. The last time we caught up with him was outside of an enormous Pinot Noir tasting in Wellington, New Zealand, and for a number of reasons our interview was cut off rather prematurely.

Ruud was just recently in Toronto for Lifford’s Fête de Pinot Noir and so we sat him down and hit him with all of the questions that we had been meaning to some six months previously!

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