Ran Goel in the gardens at Fresh City

Ran Goel at Fresh City Farms at the corner of Keele and Sheppard.

It’s not exactly a problem with the audio on the video interview below with Ran Goel, founder of Fresh City Farms, but sometimes the sound of the crickets can be distracting. That sound might not be out of place on your average rural farm, but in the city it seems slightly odd, if also soothing. Those crickets, a few hives of honey bees and a few acres of vegetables and flowers growing in rows are the product of Goel’s vision of bringing agriculture closer to the urbanites who need it. With a lease on Downsview Park lands, his locavore food delivery service truly has its heart in the city at Keele and Sheppard where his team tends fields and greenhouses for all year round production. In the video, Goel explains how Fresh City works, and how he’s also using the property to help grow a new generation of planet conscious farmers.

Can’t see the video? Please click here.

Malcolm Jolley is a founding editor of Good Food Revolution and Executive Director of Good Food Media, the company that publishes it. Follow him on Twitter or Facebook.